Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Pasta recipe by Chef Gino

Pasta recipe by Chef Gino

Minced Beef Burger Recipe by Gino D'Acampo

Chef Gino D'Acampo cooking his Burger Temptation recipe on the ITV Beat The Budget TV show. The full recipe contains minced beef, red chilli, mozzarella cheese, egg, ciabatta, tomato, red onion, lime and parsley and comes in at a price of £1.50 for all the ingredients per burger.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Receita de Caril de Frango

Carne de Porco Alentejana

We're cooking Carne de Porco Alentejana (marinated pork and fried potatoes with steamed little necks) with Natalia Paiva-Neves of O Dinis Restaurant.